bibiguoguo 发表于 2021-2-17 21:18:01


近日,美国科技媒体 Motherboard 的一篇报道把一款名叫 DeepnNude 的应用软件带入了公众的视野。就在短短一天内,这款 AI 软件引发了巨大的争议。

Via Motherboard
DeepNude 软件使用人工智能制作出虚假图像,即可以基于人们穿着衣服的照片制作出人们的 " 裸照 "。Motherboard 对该软件进行了一系列的测评,并得到了两个细思极恐的结果。
The software, called DeepNude, uses a photo of a clothed person and creates a new, naked image of that same person. It swaps clothes for naked breasts and a vulva, and only works on images of women. When Motherboard tried using an image of a man, it replaced his pants with a vulva.
这款名为 DeepNude 的软件,能用一张穿着衣服的人的照片来为这个人制作一张新的裸体图像。它将衣服换成了裸露的胸部和女性下体,并且只在处理女性图像时有用。当 Motherboard 试图使用一张男性的照片时,软件用女性下体取代了他的裤子。
Via Motherboard
▲测评发现当女性穿着泳装且面向镜头时,软件制作出的照片效果更以假乱真 ( 图 via The Verge )
Motherboard downloaded the application and tested it on a Windows machine. It installed and launched like any other Windows application and didn't require technical expertise to use.
Motherboard 下载了这个应用程序,并在 Windows 系统设备上进行了测试。它的安装和启动过程就跟其他 Windows 应用程序一样,不需要专门的技术知识。
In the free version of the app, the output images are partially covered with a large watermark. In a paid version, which costs $50, the watermark is removed, but a stamp that says "FAKE" is placed in the upper-left corner. ( Cropping out the "fake" stamp or removing it with Photoshop would be very easy. )
在该应用的免费版本中,部分输出图像被大块的水印覆盖。而在 50 美元的付费版本中,水印会被移除,但左上角会有一个写着 " 假冒 " 的印戳。 ( 而裁剪掉 " 假冒 " 印戳或用 Photoshop 去掉它非常容易。 )

▲软件操作极其简单 ( 图 via The Sun )
关于为什么创造出 DeepNude 这个软件,开发者说出了他的想法:
Alberto said he was inspired to create DeepNude by ads for gadgets like X-Ray glasses that he saw while browsing magazines from the 1960s and 70s, which he had access to during his childhood. The logo for DeepNude, a man wearing spiral glasses, is an homage to those ads.
Alberto 说,他在孩提时代曾浏览了上世纪六七十年代的杂志,他在这些杂志中看到了 X 光眼镜一类小玩意儿的广告,这激发了他创作 DeepNude 的灵感。戴着螺旋眼镜的 DeepNude 的标识是对这些广告的致敬。

▲ 1969 年的 X 光眼镜广告 ( 图 via medium )
"Like everyone, I was fascinated by the idea that they could really exist and this memory remained," he said.
" 和所有人一样,我对这些小玩意儿真的可能实现的这种想法很着迷,而且对此念念不忘," 他说道。
"About two years ago I discovered the potential of AI and started studying the basics. When I found out that GAN networks were able to transform a daytime photo into a nighttime one, I realized that it would be possible to transform a dressed photo into a nude one. Eureka. I realized that x-ray glasses are possible! Driven by fun and enthusiasm for that discovery, I did my first tests, obtaining interesting results."
" 大约两年前,我发现了人工智能的潜力,并开始学习基础知识。当我发现 GAN 网络能够将白天的照片转换成夜间的照片时,我意识到将一张穿着衣服(的人)的照片转换成裸照
是有可能(实现)的。然后我发现了!我意识到 X 光眼镜是可能的!出于对这个发现的兴趣和热情,我做了第一批测试,得到了有趣的结果。"

▲软件截图,右下角的 logo 像极了 1969 年 X 光眼镜广告中的形象 ( 图 via Motherboard )
"This is absolutely terrifying," Katelyn Bowden, founder and CEO of revenge porn activism organization Badass, told Motherboard. "Now anyone could find themselves a victim of revenge porn, without ever having taken a nude photo. This tech should not be available to the public."
" 这简直太可怕了," 针对色情报复的行动组织 Badass 的创始人兼首席执行官 Katelyn Bowden 告诉 Motherboard。" 现在任何人都可能发现自己是色情报复的受害者,而不用拍裸照。这项技术不应该向公众开放。"

▲色情报复是一种未经过他人同意,任意散布含有他人色情内容之照片或影片等影像的报复手段。 ( 图 via BBC )
This is an "invasion of sexual privacy," Danielle Citron, professor of law at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law, who recently testified to Congress about the deepfake threat, told Motherboard.
这是 " 对性隐私的侵犯," 马里兰大学凯里法学院法学教授 Danielle Citron 对 Motherboard 说。
"Yes, it isn ’ t your actual vagina, but... others think that they are seeing you naked," she said. "As a deepfake victim said to me — it felt like thousands saw her naked, she felt her body wasn ’ t her own anymore."
" 是的,这不是你的下体,但是 …… 其他人认为他们看到的是你的裸体," 她说。" 就像一个彻头彻尾的深度伪造(类似的换脸技术软件)受害者对我说的那样,感觉就像成千上万的人看到了她的裸体,她觉得自己的身体不再是自己的了。"

▲许多女星的照片通过软件被做成裸照,可以看到右上角的 "FAKE" 印戳很容易被去除
( 图 via sputnik )
而就在 28 日,舆论发酵了一天后,DeepNude 的开发者通过推特承认 " 人们滥用这个应用程序的可能性太大了 ",称 " 这个世界还没有准备好迎接 DeepNude",并把软件下架了。

并不意外,许多人在推特下表示这样的软件本就不该存在 :

冷漠鼓掌欢送你 .gif

" 世界还没有准备好 "?我认为你想说的是 " 我们编写了一个极具冒犯性、令人毛骨悚然的应用程序,简直是在变相邀请人们毁谤和侵犯他人的隐私,我们很抱歉 "。
但可怕的是,还有大批的评论表示他们想要使用这个软件,更有甚者在兜售下载好的或是破解版的 DeepNude:

" 只要给我发个信息。我将发送给你链接和高级破解版,每份 5 美元 : ) 。"

" 所以,emmm,有谁下载了能给我甩个链接的不?"

" 这下好了,现在人们在网上非法兜售这个软件了。"
(截图 via Twitter)
据 BBC 报道,美国加利福尼亚州正在考虑通过一项法案,该法案将色情类 "deepfake"(即 DeepNude 一类技术制作的恶意产物)定为非法。

无限灬可能 发表于 2021-2-17 21:20:38


哀远道 发表于 2021-2-17 21:23:15

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查看完整版本: 一键生成裸照,“脱衣”软件惹怒全球女性